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See all our properties offer
See all our properties offer
See all our properties offer

See all our properties offer
See all our properties offer
See all our properties offer
See all our properties offer

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See all our properties offer
See all our properties offer
See all our properties offer



Looking for a property?
Looking for a property?
Looking for a property?

Direct and targeted approach to help you choose the best property for you!
Direct and targeted approach to help you choose the best property for you!
Direct and targeted approach to help you choose the best property for you!

Why choose Exa Imóveis

Because our brokers are SPECIALISTS in LUXURY real estate,

providing an efficient and effective service experience,

for those who want to BUY or SELL a property.

Why choose Exa Imóveis

Because our brokers are SPECIALISTS in LUXURY real estate,

providing an efficient and effective service experience,

for those who want to BUY or SELL a property.

Why choose Exa Imóveis

Because our brokers are SPECIALISTS in LUXURY real estate,

providing an efficient and effective service experience,

for those who want to BUY or SELL a property.

Why choose Exa Imóveis

Because our brokers are SPECIALISTS in LUXURY real estate,

providing an efficient and effective service experience,

for those who want to BUY or SELL a property.

Why choose Exa Imóveis

Because our brokers are SPECIALISTS in LUXURY real estate,

providing an efficient and effective service experience,

for those who want to BUY or SELL a property.


Rua 951, 172, Centro - Balneário Camboriú, SC | CEP 88330-729

Rua 951, 172, Centro - Balneário Camboriú, SC | CEP 88330-729

Rua 951, 172, Centro - Balneário Camboriú, SC | CEP 88330-729

Rua 951, 172, Centro - Balneário Camboriú, SC | CEP 88330-729


Rua 951, 172, Centro - Balneário Camboriú, SC | CEP 88330-729

Rua 951, 172, Centro - Balneário Camboriú, SC | CEP 88330-729

Rua 951, 172, Centro - Balneário Camboriú, SC | CEP 88330-729

Rua 951, 172, Centro - Balneário Camboriú, SC | CEP 88330-729

Rua 951, 172, Centro - Balneário Camboriú, SC | CEP 88330-729


(47) 3398-1588

(47) 99194-2764

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